About Us

About Us

E-Bugle is an open platform that someone can use to share their ideas, thoughts and knowledge with the world.

It is not mandatory for someone to already be a writer to join, E-Bugle welcomes anyone who wants to explore the world of writing, ready to develop and practice a new skill.

E-Bugle gives the opportunity to someone to have their own blog using E-Bugle's text editor to publish their ideas on the platform and to the public instantly, whenever they may want.

Traffic streams to E-Bugle's articles

Audiences can read the articles through Google searches related to their content. E-Bugle ensures that these articles, through best SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices, rank high in search results.

Audiences can read the articles through E-Bugle's social media, where E-Bugle makes sure to share at regular intervals.

Visitors and other writers on E-Bugle can easily find authors and articles through the platform's user-friendly design.

Other benefits E-Bugle provides

A writer can see for each of their articles the number of visits, the readers' comments and the bugle points that each of their articles has received from other writers.

Articles can be written in both English and Greek! E-Bugle is separated into English and Greek where, based on the selected language at the top of the screen (flag), it shows the corresponding articles and the entire website is translated accordingly. The writer's blog will display articles based on the selected E-Bugle language.

A writer can change the visibility of each of their articles to be visible to the public, only to Google searches, only to people who have the link to the blog, or only to the writer for private use.

Our Goal

E-Bugle's goal is to create a community of creative minds, giving them the opportunity to share their thoughts, knowledge and experiences with the world, helping them to create quality articles and promoting them to the wider audience!